Professional collaborations

Building links with the Australian and international science communities

To counter Covid’s ongoing challenges to in-person collaborations, FLEET continued to proactively seek out opportunities to partner with other science organisations to further the reach of Centre-relevant science, to advance equity issues and to develop future leaders.

For example, in 2021 FLEET:

  • Sponsored a poster session and promoted science at the AIP Summer Meeting with the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP)
  • Continued the transpacific colloquia series with the Joint Quantum Institute (University of Maryland) and Monash University School of Physics and Astronomy
  • Co-hosted research seminars with ANSTO, and the ARC Centres for Exciton Science and Transformative Meta-Optical Systems (TMOS)
  • Delivered the third year of FLEET’s Future Electronics Year 10 unit with John Monash Science School (JMSS)
  • Presented Immersion Day workshops for Year 10 and 11 students with JMSS and Monash Faculty of Science
  • Hosted work experience Year 10 students from McKinnon High School
  • Worked with Women in Leadership Australia on leadership training for four FLEET participants
  • Worked with semiconductor company Silanna on an industry-engagement seminar
  • Ran Active bystander training with the Monash University Respectful Communities unit
  • Undertook industry-engagement and research-translation training (Base program) with Cruxes Innovation
  • Presented the National Science Quiz with ARC Centres for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS), Exciton Science, Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav), Advanced Molecular Imaging, and Synthetic Biology, with Inspiring Australia, and took on legacy leadership of this valuable ACEMS outreach program to ensure its long-term viability beyond the life of that centre
  • Worked with the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) and Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) to co-present multiferroics conference, with government sponsorship from the Australia–Korea Foundation
  • Developed ECRs’ transferrable skills in continuing Idea Factory collaboration with the ARC Centre for Engineered Quantum Technology (EQUS)
  • Trained Centre members on media engagement and presentation skills, with the ARC Centres for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS) and Fragment-Based Design (CFBD)
  • Implemented FLEET’s new research-translation program, developed and guided by EQUS, including appointing a new translation manager who works across both Centres.

Planned, collaborative in-person events with Monash Tech School and Emmanuel College were necessarily delayed by Covid, but the groundwork done will permit quick implementation (circumstances permitting) in 2022.

Creative, online lab demonstrations maintain international collaborations

Read our case study