FLEET is the first group to have observed dissipationless transport of exciton-polaritons at room temperature.
Research theme 2
Expertise: non-linear physics, quantum degenerate gases, Bose-Einstein condensates, exciton-polaritons
Research outputs (Elena Ostrovskaya):
140+ papers
4900+ citations
h-index 37 (Scopus)
Research theme 2 highlights FLEET’s collaborative nature, involving cross-disciplinary input between nodes and with several Partner Investigators.
FLEET’s second research theme uses a quantum state known as a superfluid to achieve electrical current flow with minimal wasted dissipation of energy.
In a superfluid, scattering is prohibited by quantum statistics, so electrical current can flow without resistance.
A superfluid is a quantum state in which all particles flow with the same momentum, and no energy is lost to other motion. Particles and quasi-particles, including both excitons and exciton-polaritons, can form a superfluid.
Researchers are seeking to create superfluid flows using three approaches:
If exciton-superfluid devices are to be a viable, low-energy alternative to conventional electronic devices, they must be able to operate at room temperature, without energy-intensive cooling. Thus, FLEET seeks to achieve superfluid flow at room temperature, using atomically-thin semiconductors as the medium for the superfluid.
FLEET is a leading contender in an international race to be the first to achieve superfluid condensate of exciton-polaritons
FLEET is the first group to have observed dissipationless transport of exciton-polaritons at room temperature.