Research translation: Industry Relations Committee

FLEET’s Industry Relations Committee’s tasks are to:

  • Ensure FLEET research outcomes are fed into affiliated and broader industries
  • Engage with current industrial partners and attract future industry partners
  • Establish the ground for translation and eventual commercialisation of research outputs, with maximum benefit to the consumers. See Research Translation.

Industry Relations Committee Members

Torben Daeneke
Committee Chair, RMIT

Torben Daeneke

Stuart Earl
Committee Deputy Chair, Research Fellow, Swinburne

Stuart Earl

Errol Hunt
Senior Communications Coordinator, FLEET

Errol Hunt

Jian-Zhen Ou
Scientific Associate Investigator, RMIT

Jian-Zhen Ou

Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh
Chief Investigator, UNSW

Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh

Matthew Gebert
PhD Student, Monash

Matthew Gebert

Mitchell Conway
PhD Student, Swinburne

Mitchell Conway

Tich-Lam Nguyen
Chief Operating Officer, FLEET

Tich-Lam Nguyen

Xiaolin Wang
Chief Investigator, UOW

Xiaolin Wang
Jared Cole

The Industry Relations Committee leads engagement with industrial partners and establishes groundwork for ultimate translation and commercialisation of FLEET’s science into affiliated industries.

Prof Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh IR Committee member