Business team

The FLEET Business Team does a great job in trying to bring the various nodes and groups together, and communicating the work of FLEET members.

– FLEET member survey

Business Team Members

Tich-Lam Nguyen Chief Operating Officer

Tich-Lam oversees FLEET’s financial and operational effectiveness, aimed at delivering the Centre’s strategic goals.

Tich-Lam Nguyen

Tenille Ibbotson Executive Officer

Tenille coordinates KPI and budget reporting across FLEET’s seven nodes and provides administrative support to the Executive and governance committees.

Tenille Ibbotson

Errol Hunt Senior Communications Coordinator

Errol coordinates FLEET’s communications strategies, and communicates Centre mission and outcomes within FLEET, to the scientific community, to potential end users and to the public via media.

Errol Hunt

Jason Major Senior Education and Training Coordinator

Jason leads FLEET’s education and training missions, student recruitment, career development programs, internship placement and outreach programs.

Jason Major

Cecilia Bloise Node Administrator, UNSW

Cecilia supports FLEET operations and reporting at UNSW and provides administrative support to node leader Prof Alex Hamilton.

Cecilia Bloise

Catherine Taylor Node Administrator, UNSW

Catherine supports FLEET operations and reporting at UNSW and provides administrative support to node leader Prof Alex Hamilton.

Catherine Taylor

Nicci Coad Node Administrator, RMIT

Nicci coordinates reporting of KPIs and budgets across the FLEET nodes and provides administrative support to node leader A/Prof Lan Wang and the RMIT team.

Nicci Coad

Tatiana Tchernova Node Administrator, Swinburne

Tatiana provides administrative support and coordinates KPI reporting, as well as supporting node leader Prof Chris Vale.

Tatiana Tchernova