Strategic Plan

Goal Measure
1. Enable frontier scientific discoveries
1.1 Realise topologically-protected dissipationless transport of electrical current at room temperature, and novel devices based on the ability to switch on and off this dissipationless current Project milestones and research outputs
1.2 Demonstrate excitonic dissipationless transport at elevated temperatures Project milestones and research outputs
1.3 Investigate and realise systems that exhibit dissipationless transport by dynamically driving the systems out of equilibrium to explore new paradigms in electronics Project milestones and research outputs
2. Develop next generation of science leaders
2.1 Develop world-class training & mentoring programs

Number of:

  • Participating members
  • External mentors
  • Research/professional development courses
  • Members and non-members participating in Centre training workshops
  • Mentoring programs organisational links in mentoring and training programs
2.2 Establish Centre succession planning for the centre Established plan
2.3 Facilitate opportunities for research collaboration

Number of:

  • Travel grants facilitating collaboration
  • FLEET-wide colloquia, research seminars and workshops
  • Collaborative visits by FLEET partners
  • Intra-Centre expertise exchanges
  • New organisations collaborating with FLEET
2.4 Establish a collaborative culture within the Centre

Number of:

  • Travel grants facilitating collaboration
  • FLEET-wide colloquia, research seminars and workshops
  • Collaborative visits by FLEET partners
  • Intra-Centre expertise exchanges
  • New organisations collaborating with FLEET
2.5 Facilitate opportunities for career development in industry Number of internship placements
2.6 Identify opportunities for members to be recognised Number of awards and grants received by members for their scientific/leadership achievements
3. Facilitate partnership development
3.1 Establish international partnerships

Number of:

  • New research organisations collaborating with FLEET
  • Collaborative visits between members and collaborating organisations
  • Organisational links in training and mentoring programs
  • Organisational links in education and outreach programs
3.2 Establish links to industry and end users

Number of:

  • Briefings to end-users/industy
  • Internship placements with industy collaborators
3.3 Create a network to commercialise FLEET discoveries

Number of:

  • Relationships with end-users
  • Industry engagement workshops
4. Foster equity / diversity in STEM
4.1 Foster a culture of equity and inclusiveness

Number of positive responses to annual surveys

Level of compliance of all events organised/supported by FLEET with Centre’s Equity and Diversity guidelines

Increased participation of required training on equity, diversity and inclusion topics

Awareness to recognise unacceptable behaviour and pathways to report

4.2 Increase diversity among all cohorts of researchers

Increased number of female researchers/HDR students across FLEET

Level of compliance of FLEET HR policy in all Centre recruitments

4.3 Establish career support initiatives for women in FLEET and members with caring responsibilities

Gender ratio of ECRs staying in FLEET and science careers beyond FLEET

Increased participation of FLEET researchers with family/carer responsibilities in FLEET/external events

4.4 Establish a women-specific mentoring network Increased uptake of mentoring opportunities by women in FLEET
5. Promote public awareness and literacy of FLEET science
5.1 Contribute to the scientific literacy and understanding of FLEET science among primary and secondary students and teachers Evaluation of student/teacher literacy and understanding
5.2 To raise awareness of FLEET research among the general public

Evaluation of awareness at public engagement events

Relevant social media to assess engagement

6. Facilitate effective communication
6.1 Support Centre strategic goals through internal communication using tools such as monthly newsletters

Improvement in internal newsletter readership

6.2 Engage with scientific research community through research stories published on key online science platforms and stakeholders’ newsletters

Number of:

  • Research stories
  • Newsletter audience
6.3 Promote FLEET research and scientific literacy to public through web content and social media

Number of:

  • Social media audience reached on priority channels (Twitter, Facebook)
  • Mainstream media articles
  • Mentions of FLEET research in all media channels
6.4 Engage with key partners

Number of

  • Briefings to government agencies and NGOs
  • Public presentations annually
6.5 Empower FLEET members to communicate their own scientific work

Number of:

  • Non-peer reviewed articles
  • Members discussing their science on social media
  • Members presenting their research in a public forum
  • ECR and student members participating in Three-Minute Thesis, FameLab, Science in the Pub, and similar
6.6 Push the boundaries of what we’re doing in communications, seeking and championing communications “best practice”

Number of new initiatives each year